
Eleven Broad Points To Ponder

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The eleven Moon Centers [Broad Points] are sensitive physical areas on the woman’s body which are responsive to lunar energies and affect how she deals with her everyday life.

These Centers activate in her body in a 28-day cycle, for 2 ½ days at each location in the body. The sequence varies with each woman, but unless there is an emotional shock, it remains constant in her. The Moon Centers do not coincide with her menstrual cycle or zodiacal mood cycle. If a woman is sensitive to her body and emotional tendencies, she can be aware of and predict her own Moon Center cycle. Woman’s emotions will fluctuate as the Moon Centers change.

.) Arcline: When your hairline or arcline Moon Center is activated,you are at your best. You are outgoing, centered, authoritative, sensitive, all knowing, and neutral in your communication. You are the closest to your truth. You feel confident and self-assured. Things seem to flow and fall into place perfectly. This is a good time for anything, especially making important decisions, doing presentations, and working out relationships. Too bad it’s for only 2-1/2 days. But by knowing when these days are, we can make the best of them.

.) Navel Center: When the Moon Center in the navel or corresponding spot on the back of the spine is activated, security is the issue. If your Navel Center is weak, you will be insecure and very vulnerable to criticism. This is a good time to strengthen your Navel Center with Sat Kriya or Breath of Fire. It is also good time to keep a diary, chant loudly for 31 minutes, go to a funny movie, or keep silence. You may be sorry if you have a serious discussion during this time. If your Navel Center is overly strong, you could be intimidating, alienating, or aggressive.

.) Thighs: When the Moon Center is in the lower organs or the thighs, you will be very confirming, productive, and have a high energy level. All of the details which may slip during the rest of the month seem like they have to be done, almost to the point of obsession. You may find yourself making lists of all the projects you dreamed about during the month and not be happy until they are all completed.

.) Ear lobes: This is a time when you are the most analytical. You want to discuss values and what is important to you. It is a good time to work for a cause, join a political rally, or discuss what values you want to employ at work or at home. You need to be careful though, because you may be over critical of both yourself and others. It is not a good time to make final decisions.

.) Clitoris: When the Moon Center is in the clitoris, a woman is charming, talkative, sociable, and outgoing. This is a good time to wear a new dress to a party, make new friends, network, make telephone sales, or go to a meeting—anything in a social setting. You need to watch out for being cliquish by keeping your efforts inclusive and for the good of the whole. It is not a good time to balance your checkbook or figure out what is wrong in relationships at home or the workplace.

.) Vagina: When the Moon Center is in the vagina,you may have the tendency to be social, but it will have a deeper quality to it. You will want to connect in a more intimate way, perhaps with a small group of people or with one other person. Some women don’t want to be social at all. You may have feelings of emptiness and want to be alone. It is a good time to meditate, go within, and feel the Shuniya or zero-point. It is a good time to take a ‘time out,’ a break in the action, realizing that endings and beginnings are the same.

.) Back of Neck: When it is at the back of the neck, you are very romantic, like Valentine’s Day for 2 ½ days. One flower can make you go crazy. You will take risks, be flirtatious and whimsical. It is a good time to try out new things; it is not a good time to make important decisions—the days when the Moon Center is in the arcline or thighs are better for that.

.) Breasts: When it is in the area of the breasts/nipplesyou are compassionate, heart-centered, intimate, and giving to the extent of foolishness. You may want to watch out for boundary issues, because you will have a harder time saying “no.” It is a good time to throw a party or visit an ill friend. It is not a good time to make important personal or business decisions.

.) Lips: When in the lips,a woman’s communication goes to the extremes. It can be either very effective or very ineffective. Your diet and spiritual practice are especially important at this time, to keep you in balance. If you tune into yourself, you can determine if it is a good time to speak up or to keep silent. Your words may uplift and inspire or alienate and destroy. You need to use your sensitivity and be cautious. If you feel insecure, angry, or resentful, it’s better to keep silent. If you feel expansive and heart-centered, it’s probably safe. If in doubt, be silent and meditate on more before speaking. During love-making, your lips may be very sensual.

.) Cheeks: The “pinks of the cheeks”can be a most dangerous time because this is the time you will have a tendency to be emotional, commotional, and out of control. This is a very important time to eat well, do yoga, meditate, and pray for God’s mercy. Don’t say anything or do anything that could alienate those in your important relationships. Just when you want to go out of control, you need to use your discipline to be in control. Most likely whatever you feel at this time is an illusion. It will pass. It’s not a good time to make important decisions.

.) Eyebrows: The Eyebrows are a most sensitive part of the woman’s body, because they are the most subtle part of the parasympathetic nervous system. When the Moon Center is in the eyebrows, you are very imaginative and illusionary. This is a good time to write a poem, play with a child, and brainstorm new ideas. It is a time of expansion, sowing seeds to sprout, and going beyond the ordinary. It is a good time to imagine a new business or plan of action. It is not a good time to make decisions or go on a shopping spree (you’ll buy out the store). -- Jiwan Joti Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D., Kundalini Times



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  *Consultation with a health care professional should occur before applying adjustments or treatments to the body, consuming medications or nutritional supplements and before dieting, fasting or exercising. None of these activities are herein presented as substitutes for competent medical treatment.