My name is Hari Singh Bird. Mission Statement, Ask, it will be given to you; seek, you will find; "The true man of God sees no man as good or evil, no "Sikh Dharma is an inclusive and pluralistic path. "Humanity's first teachers are women." "The job of a teacher is to poke, provoke, confront and elevate." Yogi Bhajan "It is incumbent on those who know to teach those who do not know. It is "As humanity enters the Space Age, how will we resonate with Greens and Grays, "Do not spend your spiritual energy on fear. We are now at the turning point, the Google
Search this site. Mission A robust transparency is necessary at this time in our history. My commitment is to serve as many people as possible the Attention: This site and its associated Web sites offer visitors More Than You Can Know. The Story of My Life The genesis of dates back to the directive from my teacher, Yogi Bhajan, that I tell my story including how I became associated with 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization. As I proceeded with this task I began thinking of other teachers with whom I was associated in the early '70s. So in addition to my Web site I designed several more. Thus emerged Web sites like,,,,,,,, and Sites like and commentaries like why Sikh women don't tie turban also emerged. Personal Profile I am an octogenarian and a native of the Midwest, which includes Native American heritage of the Cherokee and Modoc nations according to my father. I am a husband, a father, an optician, a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, a Sikh minister, a turbanator, and a chaplain. See My Ancestry Profile. See See Lifetime Achievement Award. See Legacy Documents and Testimonials. Since 1969 I have been a student of Yogi Bhajan, who is the founder of 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization, and the master of Kundalini Yoga. I began teaching Kundalini Yoga in 1970 and directed 3HO activities in the Denver, Colorado region from 1973 to 1984. I am a founding member of ACT, Akal Committee Thirteen, and a retired founding member of SAT, the Security Advisory Team. My career as an optician began in 1958 following active duty with the U.S.
Marine Corps. I maintain active optician licenses in Florida and Arizona. I am certified
by the American Board of Opticianry (ABO), and National Contact Lens
Examiners (NCLE). I am a passionate advocate of (a) the resurgence
of opticians as genuine Health Care Providers, i.e., highly skilled Eye Wear Professionals, as opposed to today's eyeglass dispensers, most of whom are trained only as
merchants or online clerks, (b) the resurgence of the three dimensional dispensing of prescription eyewear, and (c) most importantly, the conscientious Hands on the Patient practical training of aspiring opticians in the design
and delivery of handcrafted, form-fitting eyewear. I am currently a consultant with Opticians
For Change. I conduct Hands-on Frame Fitting
Workshops, which are accredited for Continuing Education
by ABO and the Florida State Board of Opticians, and sponsored by the Professional Opticians of Florida (POF). See See My Letter to Eye Care Professionals. Teacher Profile My history of teaching (see 3HO Legacy Teachers gallery) includes numerous facilities and locations as a Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher, counselor and chaplain, which include the Federal Prison in Littleton, CO; the Colorado State Prison at the Buena Vista facility; the Youth Detention Center, Brighton, CO; the Orange County Jail, Orlando, FL; the Florida State Prison, Bushnell, FL; the YWCA, Orlando, FL; Sikh Chaplain at the New Mexico Military Institute, NMMI, Roswell, NM; and several years as the Drill Instructor for the Select Rifle Drill Team at the 3HO Women's Training Camp, formerly Khalsa Women's Training Camp (KWTC), Espanola, NM, now International Women's Camp, IWC. See an inspiring account of one woman's Drill Team experience at the Khalsa Women's Training Camp. Note: I taught the first-ever Kundalini Yoga and Meditation prison classes to inmates at the Orange County jail in Orlando, Florida, 1971-1972; followed by the first-ever classes at the Florida State Prison in Bushnell, Florida; followed by, in the mid-70s, the first-ever classes at the Colorado state and federal prisons. See See See Forum Feedback. See My Heritage. See More. Pages And Points To Ponder Also see See A Factual Story. See See Life According To Guru Nanak. See 18 Things White People Should Know. See Message For Persons of Color. See How The Marines Transform 'Me' Into 'We'. See Family Photos. Hear Our Favorite Dance Music. See Definitions. See Commitment. See I'm Just Going Home. See Hari Will Stand By You. See Women Are Much More Than This. My Sweet Wife
See all my wife's hang ups here. See Women Are Much More Than This. Parentage Profile
Ancestry Profile Turkic (Yakut) peoples, any of various peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic family of languages. They are historically and linguistically connected with the Tujue, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 6th century CE founded an empire stretching from what is now Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of Turkey and in the Volga region, the Turkic peoples live in Asia. Their most important cultural link, aside from history and language, is with Islam, for, with the exception of the Sakha (Yakut) of eastern Siberia and the Chuvash of the Volga region of Russia, the vast majority of Turkic peoples are Muslim. In addition to those groups already mentioned, contemporary peoples who are classified as Turkic include the Altai, Azerbaijanis, Balkar, Bashkir, Dolgan, Karachay, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs, Khakass, Kipchak, Kumyk, Kyrgyz, Nogay, Shor, Tatars, Tofalar, Turkmen, Turks, Tyvans (Tuvans), Uighurs, and Uzbeks. -- Source. See DNA Connections. Heritage Profile "Mukhia Singh Sahib Hari Singh Bird Khalsa is a "Question is, are we mature enough to sit down and "Looking at the one and only Black Family native to SDI/3HO/KRI "Colored eyes who remain silent enable white eyes to Note: Many of my associates are unaware of my Native American heritage.
My teacher, Yogi Bhajan, asked me to tell my story, so I will begin by saying I was blessed with a life experience, which taught me the meaning of these words. I was born of a mixed parentage, at home, in the late '30s. My younger sister and I were raised in a tiny 3-room house, which had no bathtub or shower, and no hot water heater. We were the only family I knew that had no hot running water. See 'Half Breed' Video.
My mother boiled water in a tea kettle and poured it into a galvanized tub in which she bathed us until we were old enough to bathe ourselves. We bathed once a week because it was a real challenge for the four of us to bathe more frequently. She boiled water in a tea kettle and used a wash board to wash our clothes until she acquired a wringer-type washer along with two rinse tubs in the late '40s. Our parents heated the house with a coal-burning stove until the late '40s when we acquired an oil-burning stove. We also used an ice box to keep food cold until the late '40s, early '50s.
I slept in the front room of our tiny but tidy 3-room house, my mother and sister slept in the middle room and my father slept in the kitchen. We acquired a black and white TV in the mid-'50s. We always walked to school. Our mother worked full-time at a meat packing plant to which she always walked. My dad was a barber and served as an air raid warden for our neighborhood during World War II. I remember hearing the air raid sirens and seeing big search lights roaming the night sky during air raid drills. We had to turn off all the lights. I remember just about everything being rationed, sugar; salt; milk; bread; gasoline; etc. And we had to use tokens in order to make purchases. Life was good albeit challenging, just as it is to this day, by God's grace. We lived next door to a store front where an elderly immigrant Syrian couple lived and operated an oriental rug store, and across the street from a carton factory. On the back side of the carton company was the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad that ran coal burning, steam powered, locomotives, which stopped frequently at a watering station just down the railroad tracks. I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, with my parent's written permission, in my junior year at a Catholic high school from which I graduated before reporting for active duty. See For The People Of Color. --
See To
The Greatest Generation...'Before You Go'. Those who shall not learn to obey shall never Create dependable
children, not dependent children. Give your children The basic aspect of you as woman is not in your sensuality and in your dramas. Children are born with intrinsic leadership traits that prepare them for life.
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